Steroids have changed baseball forever, more home-runs, and more great plays because of enhanced ability, players getting more money since they are performing great and more money for the owners too. Once you break the record for most stolen bases or single season hits then it’s broken. The record book can’t be changed. Maybe some owners want players to take steroids because everybody loves to see a long home-run so they watch the game on ESPN or pay $200 to see that happen. Some people who love baseball don’t want steroids. They know its fake and an unfair game. Some don’t like it because it’s illegal so they are cheating to and the great record holders like Willie Mays, Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth didn’t use steroids, they had pure and god given ability and somebody like Barry Bonds cheated to break a record.
When you play like Barry Bonds and you have stats like a created player in a video game, then you’re going to be suspected of something. If you get caught then everybody starts talking about the record book, but it doesn’t matter if you did it when you were clean like Babe Ruth, or used steroids like Barry Bonds. Regardless, the record book cannot be changed. What if the owners wanted their players to use steroids? People would watch a game to see somebody hit his fifth home-run of the game, but the more views and runs then the more money they get. Steroids should be legalized, but if you test positive for it then you shouldn’t be in the Hall Of Fame. These are grown men, they should be able to do whatever you want, if he is the 17 year old prodigy Bryce Harper, or the 47 year old Tim Wakefield, if you want to take steroids then take it, but you shouldn’t be in the Hall Of Fame.
Everybody has an argument for and against steroids. A lot of people that I’ve heard said that steroids are fake and anybody who uses it is fake. It’s true, if you’re a real athlete than why do you need to make yourself bigger and stronger. It’s also illegal, they give random drug tests to teams every 30 day, but do teams cover up there star players? Somebody like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens both hold multiple records, but they did it by using a drug that makes them better. People like Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, and Pedro Martinez held records without steroids, but they were broken by people who used steroids. It tarnishes the reputation of baseball.
Steroids have changed baseball forever, more home-runs and more great plays because of enhanced ability. Players are getting more money since they are performing at a higher level and there is more money for the owners too. Some owners might want their players to take steroids. Fans want to see people make exciting plays. People want to see Jose Bautista hit 50 home-runs in a season. Its okay if you take steroids because of the excitement, but you shouldn’t be in the hall of fame because you put up those statistics with a drug.